
[ENG] 팬더닷컴 투표기간 변경 안내



안녕하세요 팬더닷컴입니다 !
2020년부터 콘텐츠별 투표가  1 에서  2 변경되며,
투표 기간이 약 2주로 짧아집니다.


기존 투표기간
매월 1 ~ 말일, 익월 1 발표


변경된 투표기간
1 투표 기간 : 매달 1~15

1 순위 발표 : 매달 16, 오후 1

2투표 기간 : 매달 16~말일
2 순위 발표 : 익월 1, 오후 1


12월 투표 마감, 올해가 끝나기까지 D-5 남았네요 (•́︿•̀)
끝까지 스타를 위하여 팬더닷컴에서 투표해주세요감사합니다.



Hello Fan Creators ! We're FAN:the
From 2020, each content's voting will change from once a month to twice,
and the voting period has been shortened to about two weeks!


■ Existing voting period
From 1st to the end of the month, Announce on 1st of next month


■ Changed voting period
1st Voting period : From 1st to 15th of every month.
1st ranking announcement : 16th of every month at 1:00 p.m.

2nd Voting period : From 16th to the end of every month
2nd ranking announcement : 1st of next month at 1:00 p.m.


We have D-5 days left until the December vote and the end of the year.(。•́︿•̀。)
Vote for your star at Fanthe.com until the end. Thank you.